

If you suspect that you or a family member is experiencing discrimination due to diabetes, we encourage you to begin here.

Learn what constitutes discrimination in the workplace, at school, in a correctional institution, or in public accommodations or government services.

We can help you understand your legal rights and help you take action to stop the discrimination. 

School Discrimination

Children with diabetes sometimes face problems in obtaining the care they need in schools and day care centers.

Driver’s License

Have questions about driving when you have diabetes? Find information about the laws in your state and other helpful information about driving with diabetes.

Employment Discrimination

Learn about your rights in the workplace.

Public Accommodations

Know your rights when participating in private and public programs, from airport security to camp.

Law Enforcement

Diabetes needs do not stop when you are stopped by the police or are jailed.  But people with diabetes sometimes are not treated properly because of ignorance and lack of training. This can cause serious injury or even death. 

Recent Legal Triumphs

Recent legal triumphs for individuals living with diabetes and other disabilities who face discrimination underscore the significance of legal safeguards and rights provided to them in schools, workplaces, and public spaces. Below is a compilation of recent court rulings addressing discrimination against individuals living with diabetes.

ABA Therapy Provider to Make Changes to Comply with Americans with Disabilities Act:

United Parcel Service (UPS) to pay $150,000 to settle EEOC disability Discrimination Lawsuit:


Maryland high court grants accommodations request for bar exam, creates 2-part test:

In the Matter of Antavis Chavis, Misc. No. 65, September Term, 2022