Showing 1721 - 1730 of 2250 results

Showing Results for: “Glycemic Index and Diabetes”

Sharing My Story: Noelle & Ella

Ella's diagnosis came as a shock to Noelle, her mother. Now, Noelle is committed to educating others about the warning signs of type 1 diabetes. This is Noelle's story: Ella was brought to the doctor when she was 22 months old, when I was concerned about her weight loss and constant peeing through diapers. We were told it was a urinary tract infection (UTI) and sent on our way. Luckily, mama's intuition was a bit stronger and I pushed for a urine test. Just 24 hours later, we were in the pediatric intensive care unit in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), and left with a new type 1 diabetes diagnosis

Sharing My Story: Don

Don Fillenworth from Bismarck, North Dakota, is 55 years old and lives with type 2 diabetes. This is his success story: In mid-October 2012, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and had an A1C of 9.6. This was quite a shock for me, as there is no history of diabetes in my family. Before I was diagnosed, my feet were constantly numb and tingling, and I was losing feeling in the front portion of the bottom of both my feet. I had no clue that this was an indicator of diabetes , as I was not familiar with the disease at the time. My doctor prescribed metformin, which I take twice a day, and

Meet Rachael

2021 marks 27 years of living with diabetes. When I was four years old, I was visiting my extended family like I did every summer. I remember it being a really hot summer and everyone was drinking a lot of fluids to stay hydrated and keep cool. After not acting like myself for a few days, my mother took me to the emergency room so I could get checked out, and because I was peeing so often they diagnosed me with a bladder infection. However, this diagnosis didn’t sit well with my mother, so we visited another doctor to get a second opinion. It was then that I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes

Sharing My Story: Anastasia

Anastasia Albanese-O’Neill, PhD, ARNP, CDE, is an assistant professor of nursing at the University of Florida in Gainesville, as well as a nurse practitioner and diabetes researcher. A longtime volunteer for the American Diabetes Association, she currently serves as co-chair of the Safe at School Workgroup and also sits on the ADA's National Advocacy Committee, Legislative and Regulatory Subcommittee and Volunteer Engagement Workgroup. She and her family live in Gainesville, Florida. This is her story: Reflections on Our Daughter’s Type 1 Diagnosis My daughter Cassidy was 16 months old and

Get Involved With the Amputation Prevention Alliance

Help eradicate unnecessary diabetes-related amputations and raise awareness. Join the American Diabetes Association's Amputation Prevention Alliance and make a difference.

Sharing My Story: Lynn

“This year was a huge milestone for me…50 years living with T1D. I was diagnosed in 1967 when I was six years old and in kindergarten. I remember being in the hospital for ten days, not being able to have my three siblings come visit me, and remember the nurses teaching my mom how to give a shot by practicing on an orange. Once discharged, I remember my mom boiling my glass syringes, drawing up beef or pork insulin, and having me leave specimens of urine so she could approximate my blood glucose level. Wow, have times changed! Fortunately, 50 years later, I’m healthy with very minimal

Sexual Health

Learn the impact of diabetes on your sex life and learn how to maintain a healthy sexual health. Find solutions and support for sex and diabetes complications.

For Caregivers

Finding out a loved one has diabetes can be difficult. You want to be there for them, but you may not know how. Discover how you can support your loved ones with diabetes.

Sharing My Story: Francesca

Francesca lives with T1D in Barcelona, and she says she’s never let it hold her back. Travel is a huge part of her life, and she has traveled all over the world, from deserts to mountains and remote islands without hesitation. She says her active lifestyle has helped her, including lots of yoga, hiking and a healthy diet and amazing support from family and friends. She is sharing her story to “inspire others and let them know they are not alone.” I am Francesca. I am 29 years old and I have been living with type 1 since I was six. As a kid, my biggest fear was not be able to do what my friends

Meet Martin E.C.

The Importance of Learning and Understanding Your Health Care Journey When I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2008, I found myself unsure of how to move forward — how to make the necessary changes in my diet and lifestyle in order to confidently manage this condition. In the last 15 years, I’ve experienced amputations of both my legs below the knee as well as the loss of 5 fingers to diabetes; I’ve received shots and laser treatments to try and address swelling in my retinas due to diabetes, and now regularly receive dialysis. My A1C has gone down to 6 because of careful diet management