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Showing Results for: “Glycemic Index and Diabetes”

Sharing My Story: Jennifer

Jennifer Holdgreve from Centreville, Maryland, is the mother of Allison, age 8. Allison was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was six years old. This is her story: Parents Talking Type 1 Allison was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on May 1, 2011. We remember it like it was yesterday, but at the same time, it now feels like diabetes has always been a part of our lives. She had the classic symptoms of fatigue, weight loss, extreme thirst, extreme hunger and using the bathroom all the time. Of course we knew nothing about diabetes, so we did not realize the seriousness of what was happening

Get to Know Carbs

Learn about the connection between diabetes and carbohydrates. Find out how counting carbs can help control blood sugar and better manage your diabetes.

Meet Kaila

Getting a Diabetes Diagnosis Doesn’t Have to Stand in the Way of Your Goals As someone living with type 1 diabetes, staying on top of my health – making sure I’m tracking my blood glucose levels, carbohydrates, and insulin intake – can already feel like a full-time job. However, I won’t let that stop me from achieving my goals as a collegiate track and field athlete. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in eighth grade. I remember I would experience severe thirst, fatigue, and feeling like something was not right. When I was diagnosed, I didn’t know anyone else with type 1 diabetes, so it was

Sharing My Story: Roxanna

Roxanna, from Brownsville, Texas, shares the story of her diagnosis — and how it changed her life. My diabetes journey began in August 2016. I was 29 years old. Like many who are first diagnosed, I ended up in the hospital with high blood sugar, severe dehydration, fatigue and exhaustion. “If you were my sister,” I recall my doctor saying, “I’d send you to the hospital.” And off to the hospital I went. I remember that day like it was yesterday: the doctors, the nurses, the diabetes educator, the concerned look on my parents’ faces. I didn’t even know what diabetes was at the time, much less

Five Things You Should Know About Prediabetes

After announcing the expansion of Diabetes Stops Here and asking you which topics you’d like covered, we received a specific request for more information about prediabetes. A staggering 79 million Americans deal with this condition, and while it can lead to crippling health consequences, it can be avoided. Here are five things you should know about prediabetes: 1. What is prediabetes? Before people develop type 2 diabetes, they almost always have prediabetes , a health condition where your blood glucose is higher than normal but not as high as if you had diabetes. 2. How can I find out if I

Meet Joe

Diabetes has always been a part of my life. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1959 when I was two years old, and my older brother was diagnosed with type 1 when he was 24 years old. I joke that he’s an amateur and I’m an expert because I have more experience dealing with it. My eye health became an issue in 1982, 23 years after being diagnosed with type 1. At this time in my life, I was very health conscious and enjoyed lifting ridiculously heavy weights several days a week. One day, I suddenly had black cloudy vision in my left eye, which I discovered was a ruptured blood vessel. After

Sharing My Story: Mary

Mary Van Doorn, a mother of two from Dacula, Georgia, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes—but her diagnosis didn’t hold her back. Mary founded Sugar Mama Strong, a diabetes support group and wellness program for women. This is her story: I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when I was just 21 years old, the daughter of two type 2 parents. Our genetics run deep—almost every adult on my mother's side now lives with type 2. At first, I ignored it. I lived in denial for a long time—I call it my young and stupid phase. At 21, you think you're invincible. I didn't FEEL sick. I didn't LOOK sick. It

How to Eat Healthy

Discover how to eat well with diabetes by making simple swaps and incorporating the nutrients you need. Find healthy recipes and tips for navigating nutrition with diabetes.

Sharing My Story: Connor

Connor O’Hara is a third-year graduate student in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry, School of Pharmacy at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). Connor didn’t let his diabetes slow him down; in fact, he uses it as inspiration for his career! Calling diabetes a foundation for his pursuit of knowledge, Connor says “let us all be compelled to help drive and support the research and innovation that will bring new therapies and cures, and even turn #Type1 into #TypeNone.” On April 23, 2007 I was rushed into intensive care at MCV Hospital at VCU in Richmond, Virginia presenting with diabetic