Showing 1751 - 1760 of 2250 results

Showing Results for: “Glycemic Index and Diabetes”

Seniors Struggle to Maintain Health with Limited Access to Proper Diet

In the United States, millions of seniors ages 60 and older face a diverse set of challenges on a regular basis when trying to secure and prepare nutritious food, which may include food insecurity. Seniors who are food insecure may experience barriers to accessing food, reduced quality and variety in their diet, and disrupted food intake, all of which can cause and exacerbate mental and physical health issues. Feeding America ® , a nationwide hunger-relief organization with a network of 200 food banks around the country, works to deeply understand the issue of food insecurity among seniors and

Five Things to Know About Ketones

If you live with diabetes, you have probably heard that ketones are something to watch out for. That they have something to do with the dreaded diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). But do you really understand what ketones are and why they happen? It’s scary to think about, sure. But it’s also very important to be in the know about ketones and to be prepared. 1) What are ketones? If there isn’t enough insulin in your system, you can’t turn glucose into energy. So your body starts breaking down body fat. Ketones are a chemical by-product of this process. This can occur when people with type 1 diabetes

American Diabetes Association, with Visionary Partners VSP Vision Care and Regeneron Launch “The Next Step Eye Challenge” Campaign for Healthy Vision Month in May

Over 34 million American adults currently live with diabetes and an additional 88 million are living with prediabetes, yet 85% of them do not know they have it. People living with diabetes or prediabetes are at an increased risk for developing a diabetes-related eye disease, such as diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema, glaucoma, and cataracts. Even more troubling, recent polls indicate that 1 in 4 people are putting off their annual eye exams due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, vision loss from diabetes-related eye disease is 95% preventable with early detection, timely

Sharing My Story: Lynda

Lynda Jimenez is the Associate Director of Online Strategy & Operations for the American Diabetes Association. This is her story: Most women begin their journey through pregnancy as soon as those little lines appear. As for me, I started my pregnancy journey eight months before those little lines would make their appearance, an entire year and a half before my son was born. Living with type 2 diabetes, I already tried to live a healthy lifestyle, but I was nowhere near being prepared for pregnancy. Managing with oral medications, an okay diet and the occasional exercise, my A1C was hovering

FAQs for Schools

Check out Frequently Asked Questions about the care of students with diabetes especially for schools.

Eye Health Resources

Access information and resources on diabetes-related eye disease, prevention, and treatment.

Executive Team

The Staff leadership of the American Diabetes Association.

Tips for School Nurses

Discover practical tips and resources for school nurses to efficiently manage diabetes care in the school environment.

Tips for Teachers

Information is meant to help inform teachers about how to keep kids with diabetes safe at school.

Training Resources for Schools

Access training and support materials that can prepare and educate school staff to provide needed care to students with diabetes.