Showing 1791 - 1800 of 2250 results

Showing Results for: “Glycemic Index and Diabetes”

Better Choices for Life

Learn more about the Better Choices for Life program, product types eligible under the program including products designed specifically for diabetes management.

Americans with Disabilities Act

Learn how the American Disabilities Act covers students with disabilities, including diabetes, and their rights to accommodation and support.

Vegan Meal Planning

Discover the nutrients of concern on a vegan diet for diabetes and kidney disease. Get expert-guided recipe and meal planning guidance for a healthy lifestyle.

Want to become a supplier?

Check out! Supplier Portal of American Diabetes Association. It provides resources to our current and future suppliers.


Protect your child's rights to receive accommodations for school attendance policies. Learn how to advocate for fair treatment and equal opportunities for students with diabetes.

Elect Officer & Member, National Board of Directors Positions

Explore officer and board of directors positions at the ADA. Join us in making a difference for millions of Americans with diabetes and their support networks.

Childcare, Camps, and Recreational Programs

Learn how to effectively advocate for your child with diabetes in childcare settings and camps. Access training resources for resolving challenges and understanding the legal protections.

Eye Health

Look closer at eye health and find help from our visionary partners. Prevent vision loss caused by diabetes with an annual routine eye exam.

Safe at School®

Join our Safe at School campaign today. Discover legal protections, written care plans, training, and support for schools to ensure the health and safety of children with diabetes.

Meet Alex

Alexandra Park is an actress, writer, and producer best known for her role on The Royals and the Australian series Home and Away . She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and dog. My diabetes diagnosis could not have come at a worse time. It was two months before I was set to leave Australia to move to Los Angeles. My doctors advised me to cancel the move, but I was determined and moved to LA as planned. Shortly after, I accepted the role of Princess Eleanor for the TV series The Royals and I was off to London for filming.   On set, I was obsessed with keeping my blood sugars in range, and