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Showing Results for: “Pregnancy”

Meet Martin E.C.

The Importance of Learning and Understanding Your Health Care Journey When I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2008, I found myself unsure of how to move forward — how to make the necessary changes in my diet and lifestyle in order to confidently manage this condition. In the last 15 years, I’ve experienced amputations of both my legs below the knee as well as the loss of 5 fingers to diabetes; I’ve received shots and laser treatments to try and address swelling in my retinas due to diabetes, and now regularly receive dialysis. My A1C has gone down to 6 because of careful diet management

Understanding Type 2 Diabetes

Read to understand type 2 diabetes symptoms, similarities between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Take our 60- second type 2 risk test.

Are You Experiencing Depression?

Find out what you need to know about depression and diabetes for women and types of depression.