Showing 2051 - 2060 of 2252 results

Showing Results for: “type 1 diabetes”

Meet Ginny

My T1DM journey started when I was 6yo, that was 56 years ago. It was the time we used glass syringes, Tes Tape, Benedict's Solution, impure beef and pork insulins. I was raised by a single parent, and while sometimes difficult, I was encouraged to do anything that I wanted to (play sports, go to college, graduate school, hike the AT, and now...summit mountains). Now retired from practicing Pharmacy in a clinical setting I have the time to backpack and mountaineer. I am finishing up 50 state high points, with Denali being my last to do. I can truly say that diabetes has never held me back from

Medical and Scientific Sources of Authority

Access valuable resources for school care planning, including position statements and medical sources of authority.