Safe at School

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Students who qualify for services under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA), should have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) instead of a 504 plan. This is the document that sets out what the school is going to do to meet the child's individual educational needs. There are a lot of specific rules about developing an IEP, reviewing it, and what it must contain. Because IEPs are so detailed and have specific requirements, school districts often use their own form. Although students with diabetes who qualify for services under IDEA are also covered by Section 504, there is no need to write two separate plans. Diabetes provisions should be included in the IEP.

The IEP is developed with input from the following people who make up the child's IEP team:

  • The child's parents/guardians
  • At least one regular education teacher
  • At least one of the child's special education teachers or providers
  • A representative of the school district who is qualified, knowledgeable, and authorized to commit the district to the delivery of resources to the child
  • A qualified professional who can interpret the evaluation of the child
  • Others at the discretion of the parent or the school district
  • Where appropriate, the child

An IEP must contain a number of specific provisions including:

  • A statement of the child's present levels of performance, including how the child's disability affects involvement and progress in the general curriculum
  • A statement of measurable annual goals, including benchmarks or short-term objectives
  • A statement of the special education and supplementary aids and services to be provided
  • A statement of program modifications or supports for school personnel that will be provided
  • A statement of any modifications needed for the child to participate in district-wide tests or other assessments
  • A statement of how the child's progress toward the annual goals will be measured

For more information on IEPs, the Center for Parent Information and Resources provides many good materials.