Safe at School


1. Does Wisconsin allow people who are not health care professionals to administer insulin at school?

Yes. Wisconsin allows both public and private school employees or other volunteers to administer prescription drugs, including insulin:

a school bus operator […] [or] any school employee or volunteer […] [m]ay administer a prescription drug to a pupil in compliance with the written instructions of a practitioner if the pupils parent or guardian consents in writing; the prescription drug is supplied by the pupils parent or guardian in the original pharmacy-labeled package; and the package specifies the name of the pupil, the name of the prescriber, the name of the prescription drug, the dose, the effective date, and the directions in a legible format. Wis. Stat. § 118.29(2)(a).

2. Does Wisconsin allow people who are not health care professionals to administer glucagon at school?

Yes. Wisconsin specifically allows trained public and private school employees or other volunteers to administer glucagon:

any school employee or volunteer […] may administer glucagon to any pupil who the school bus driver, employee, or volunteer knows is diabetic and who appears to be experiencing a severe low blood sugar event with altered consciousness if, as soon as practicable, the school bus operator, employee, or volunteer reports the event by dialing the telephone number "911" or, in an area in which the telephone number "911" is not available, the telephone number for an emergency medical service provider. Wis. Stat. § 118.29 (2)(a).

3. Does Wisconsin allow students to self-manage diabetes care anytime, anywhere?

Yes. Wisconsin law does not specifically mention self-management of diabetes care. However, Guidance from the state Department of Health Services clearly assumes that students can test blood glucose in the classroom:

Older students are capable of testing their blood glucose levels independently, though students may require assistance on an emergency basis. School personnel may need to actually perform, assist, or supervise students with monitoring blood glucose at school if the student cannot monitor his or her own blood glucose or is incapable of doing so. […] The student may test his or her blood glucose in the classroom or may prefer a more private setting. Every student should have a safe and clean environment in which to test his or her blood glucose. Parents/ guardians can provide input regarding their child's ability to test safely and accurately at school and during related events. Wisconsin Diabetes Prevention and Control Program, Students With Diabetes: A Resource Guide for Wisconsin Schools and Families.

4. Does Wisconsin allow students to carry diabetes supplies such as needles, insulin, and blood glucose testing devices anytime and anywhere?

Yes. Wisconsin law does not specifically mention carrying diabetes care supplies. However, Guidance from the state Department of Health Services clearly assumes that students can carry diabetes care supplies:

SECTION 504 PLAN FOR A STUDENT WITH DIABETES (Sample Plan) 3. STUDENT'S LEVEL OF SELF-CARE AND LOCATION OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT 3.1 [… the student shall be permitted to provide this self-care at any time and in any location at the school, during school sponsored activities, and on school buses. […] 3.2 The student is permitted to carry the following diabetes supplies and equipment with him/her at all times and in all locations at the school, during school sponsored activities, and on school buses. Wisconsin Diabetes Prevention and Control Program, Students With Diabetes: A Resource Guide for Wisconsin Schools and Families.

For more information, see the following helpful resources: