Health & Wellness

Eye Health

It's easy to take your eyesight for granted.

Diabetes is the leading cause of vision loss in people 18–64 years old. And there are no obvious signs or symptoms. But the great news is, an annual routine eye exam can help identify existing eye disease so you can take steps to prevent or delay vision loss caused by diabetes.

Smiling woman wearing glasses

Did You Know...

People of color are at a greater risk of going blind from diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness in American adults. The number of individuals with diabetic retinopathy is predicted to increase by 48% by 2030

Learn more facts about diabetes and eye health (PDF)

Get Smart About Eye Health

Taking Charge of Your Diabetes & Eye Health

Know Your Risk

Eye Health Tools, Resources, and FAQs

Champion Corner

Health Care Professional Resources

Look Closer at Eye Health

Eye Health

Routine Eye Exams: The What, When, How and Why
What's My Risk?
Diabetes and Eye Health
Making Eye Health a Top Priority
Newly Diagnosed with Diabetes: What You Need to Know About Your Eyes
Eye Health Check 2 Focus on diabetes