Research shows that harmful bacteria and inflammation in the mouth can indicate and even cause systemic conditions throughout the body. Today, the American Diabetes Association ® (ADA) announced a new partnership with Pacific Dental Services ® (PDS), a leading dental support organization, to increase awareness of the link between periodontal disease and diabetes, and how oral health providers can assist patients in preventing and managing this chronic health condition. The timing of this announcement coincides with American Diabetes Month™, a month-long campaign that recognizes all forms of
All too often, people affected by diabetes find themselves facing discrimination and needing help to protect their rights in the courts. Ensuring fair treatment for people affected by diabetes is a core strategic goal for the American Diabetes Association ® (ADA) to help people with diabetes thrive by igniting a movement to protect the rights of people with diabetes. One vital way to achieve this aim is through advocacy and impact litigation. To advance this effort, the Southern University Law Center (SULC) and the ADA have launched a groundbreaking partnership called “Project DEAL,” for
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) is raising concerns that a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) school meals proposed rule could weaken nutrition standards and undercut the fight against diabetes. Meals served by the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program today must follow meal patterns that ensure sound, balanced nutrition, based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. However, USDA is proposing changes to those meal patterns, requiring lower amounts of red or orange vegetables in school lunches and less fruit when schools operate innovative Breakfast in the
Multi-year campaign will raise awareness of the critical role eye exams can play in early detection and prevention of diabetes-related eye disease The American Diabetes Association (ADA) today announced a new collaboration with VSP® Vision Care , a VSP Global ® company which serves nearly 90 million members as the largest and only national not-for-profit vision benefits provider, to focus on an often overlooked but costly and devastating complication of diabetes: eye disease. This initiative will focus on the crucial role annual comprehensive eye exams play in the early detection, intervention
Groups Launch the Eye Pledge to Raise Awareness and Address Inequity in Diabetes-Related Eye Disease The American Diabetes Association ® (ADA), a sponsor of the 2023 Magic City Classic (MCC), and Genentech, anchor partner of the ADA’s Health Equity Now ® program, launched the Eye Pledge to Fight Diabetes . This program encourages people with diabetes and their loved ones to get an annual eye exam, which have been shown to help reduce the risk of diabetes-related vision loss. Diabetes-related eye disease affects around 8 million Americans and is the leading cause of vision loss for people aged
La Asociación Americana de la Diabetes ® (ADA), organización de diabetes líder en el mundo, presentó hoy el tema a desarrollar en noviembre durante el Mes de la Diabetes en los Estados Unidos para mostrar cómo la Diabetes de Hoy Golpea Diferente . A lo largo del mes, la ADA expondrá las distintas formas en las que la diabetes afecta la vida de las personas mediante la narración de historias y destacará los avances en tecnología y tratamientos para la diabetes. Muchas personas que viven con prediabetes o diabetes experimentan un shock inicial después de su diagnóstico ya que se preocupan por
With your support, the American Diabetes Association® can continue our lifesaving work to make breakthroughs in research and provide people with the resources they need to fight diabetes.