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Showing Results for: “exercise”

An inspiration: Meet Milford - T1D for 70 Years

Type 1 diabetes? There are many ways to describe it, but at its core, it is a lifelong autoimmune disease that changes the way you live from the moment of diagnosis. However, what many people don’t know is that living with type 1 diabetes is often a test of strength and endurance, something no one understood better than Milford Driskill. Born February 19, 1940, Milford was an active kid growing up in Kansas. In 1952, at the age of 12, he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes which back then, was known as juvenile diabetes. Insulin had only been discovered 30 years prior and Milford was told if he

Extra Weight, Extra Risk

When you have diabetes, having overweight or obesity can add risk for other problems. Check out these tips to help you lose weight and keep it off.

Hyperglycemia (High Blood Glucose)

Find out what causes hyperglycemia, learn about the symptoms, effective treatments, and prevention methods. Take control of your blood sugar levels with our expert guidance.

Lose weight for good

When you have diabetes, being overweight brings added risk. Make healthy decisions and pinpoint reasons for overeating to lose the weight for good.