Showing 121 - 130 of 255 results

Showing Results for: “sugar alcohols”

How to Eat Healthy

Discover how to eat well with diabetes by making simple swaps and incorporating the nutrients you need. Find healthy recipes and tips for navigating nutrition with diabetes.

Diabetes Superstar Foods: Taking Charge of Your Health Through Food

Explore our list of nutrient-rich, affordable superstar foods that are beneficial for diabetes and overall health. Find tips for eating healthy on a budget.

Insulin Pumps: Relief and Choice

Find out more why insulin pumps are a relief and choice for people living with diabetes.

Understanding Diabetes Diagnosis

Learn several ways to diagnose diabetes like A1C, Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG), Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) and Random Plasma Glucose Test.

Meet Virginia

I was 5 when I was diagnosed with diabetes. Being the only diabetic in my family, the learning curve was steep. With the help of an amazing medical team, my family figured out how to manage the around-the-clock demands of an auto-immune disease. We developed a tightly monitored system involving constant finger pokes, multiple check-ins with the school nurse each day, and carrying a JDRF backpack full of set change materials wherever we went. As long as our small team could manage it, it didn’t matter whether my classmates, friends, and teachers understood the medical and emotional turbulence