Showing 61 - 70 of 255 results

Showing Results for: “sugar alcohols”

Sharing My Story: Jana

Jana Franzen lives in Osage City, Kansas. This is her story: Oh, let's see. Diabetes runs in my family. I had gestational diabetes with my third pregnancy, which covered most of 2002 and the first bit of 2003. Sugars leveled out not long after kiddo got born. I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in December of 2015. Had what was originally believed to be a heart attack February of 2016, and another in November. The first got downgraded to angina, and the second was labeled heartburn despite being more severe. The t-thingy indicators (my memory sucks) indicated heart attack for the first, so I

Sharing My Story: Antoinette

Antoinette lives with type 2 diabetes and is committed to fighting the stigma surrounding it. She writes about her experience at . I was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic about 4 years ago at the age of 42. My introduction to diabetes was quite amazing. I woke up in the ICU of the hospital to learn that my blood sugar on admission was 1315. Yes, you read that right—1315. My A1C was 18.2. I was in a state of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Learn about DKA Although I had several family members with diabetes, I never thought I would become one. I believed that having a healthy diet

Sharing My Story: A Poem about Diabetes Awareness

Written by Pamela Roller, who lives with type 1 diabetes. Dedicated to all diabetics and their families. On November 14th every year A day diabetics hold so dear Sadly, diabetes has been on the rise Many have it, but don’t realize To stop diabetes, make people more aware Diabetics are not alone; others do care Internationally, we all must unite To hope, survive, and to win the fight The diabetes ribbon and symbol are blue Diabetics need a cure and support too Blue for the sky we all share In a circle for unity everywhere Grateful for the co-founders of insulin To treat the disease of friends

Sharing My Story: Sydney

Sydney Williams is a founder, author, speaker, hike leader, outdoor advocate and self-described feeler of feelings. This is her story: Diabetes is the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me Every November, I like to reflect on the past year and think about what I'm thankful for. This is the third November where the thing I'm most thankful for is being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. When I was diagnosed with T2D in September 2017, I took it as a challenge. I've been a people pleaser my entire life, and I channeled that into being the best diabetes patient my doctor has ever seen. I am an

Meet Rachael

2021 marks 27 years of living with diabetes. When I was four years old, I was visiting my extended family like I did every summer. I remember it being a really hot summer and everyone was drinking a lot of fluids to stay hydrated and keep cool. After not acting like myself for a few days, my mother took me to the emergency room so I could get checked out, and because I was peeing so often they diagnosed me with a bladder infection. However, this diagnosis didn’t sit well with my mother, so we visited another doctor to get a second opinion. It was then that I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes

Sharing My Story: Jenni

Jenni, from Lincoln, Nebraska, lives with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and is committed to advocating for others. This is her story: At age 53 I decided it was time to get healthy. I started a walking regiment every day and changed my eating habits. I was a full-time teacher and my colleagues were runners. At age 53, I started running. I had done several 5k's and was losing weight. I went to the doctor for my physical and my blood sugar was very high. I had lost nearly 70 pounds, was in the best shape I had been in for many years and they diagnosed me with type 2 diabetes. I continued to work out and

Sharing My Story: Francesca

Francesca lives with T1D in Barcelona, and she says she’s never let it hold her back. Travel is a huge part of her life, and she has traveled all over the world, from deserts to mountains and remote islands without hesitation. She says her active lifestyle has helped her, including lots of yoga, hiking and a healthy diet and amazing support from family and friends. She is sharing her story to “inspire others and let them know they are not alone.” I am Francesca. I am 29 years old and I have been living with type 1 since I was six. As a kid, my biggest fear was not be able to do what my friends

Meet Kaila

Getting a Diabetes Diagnosis Doesn’t Have to Stand in the Way of Your Goals As someone living with type 1 diabetes, staying on top of my health – making sure I’m tracking my blood glucose levels, carbohydrates, and insulin intake – can already feel like a full-time job. However, I won’t let that stop me from achieving my goals as a collegiate track and field athlete. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in eighth grade. I remember I would experience severe thirst, fatigue, and feeling like something was not right. When I was diagnosed, I didn’t know anyone else with type 1 diabetes, so it was