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Showing Results for: “type 1 diabetes”

Exercise & Type 1

Learn how to prevent lows and keep your blood glucose in check during physical activity. Find out what to do when your blood glucose levels go too low or too high.

Additional Types of Neuropathy

Charcot's Joint, Cranial neuropathy and Compression mononeuropathy are just a few of the neuropathy types.

Common Type 2 Diabetes Drug Shown to Safely Reduce the Progression of Kidney Disease in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes

SGLT2i Shown as Potential Solution to Help Manage Renal Complications and Improve Glycemic Control for Young Individuals Living with Type 1 Diabetes Today, findings from the ATTEMPT study, showed that a low-dose of SGLT2 inhibitor could safely be given to youth and adolescents with type 1 diabetes to improve kidney function and glycemic management. ATTEMPT is the first of its kind, landmark trial designed to evaluate the effectiveness of SGLT2 inhibitors to optimize diabetes control and prevent early subclinical kidney complications in an at-risk pediatric population with type 1 diabetes. The

How to Talk to Loved Ones About Type 2 Diabetes Risk

An estimated 84 million Americans are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes—and someone you love could be among them. However, many people don’t realize that type 2 diabetes can be delayed or even prevented with healthy lifestyle changes. This means that even if your loved ones are at risk for diabetes, there’s still time for them to take the steps necessary to turn their health around. November is American Diabetes Month, an opportunity to encourage the people in your life to learn their risk for type 2 diabetes by taking the one-minute Risk Test . Not sure how to bring the topic up? Follow