Safe at School


1. Does Idaho allow school staff members who are not health care professionals to administer insulin?

Yes. for medication administration in general. Nurses may delegate medication administration in general, and there is nothing that prohibits insulin administration. IDAPA (2018). It is not clear what kind of training or supervision needs to take place at school. 

2. Does Idaho allow school staff members who are not health care professionals to administer glucagon?

Yes. for emergency care in general. The law allows unlicensed people to perform nursing tasks in emergency situations. Since glucagon is almost always administered in an emergency, it should be allowed:

This act shall not be construed to require licensure or to prohibit the practice of nursing by persons assisting in an emergency.  Idaho Code Section 54-1412.

3. Does Idaho allow students to self-manage diabetes at school?

Yes.  School districts are required to adopt a policy permitting students with diabetes to self-administer diabetes medication and blood glucose monitoring.  Idaho Code Section 33-520.

4. Does Idaho allow students to carry diabetes supplies such as needles, insulin, and blood glucose testing devices?

Yes.  A student who is permitted to self-administer is permitted to possess and use insulin and blood glucose supplies at all times.  Idaho Code Section 33-520.


For more information, see the following resources: