Life with Diabetes

Diabetes Dialogues

Diabetes Dialogues is ADA's storytelling hub where people living with diabetes and their caregivers can share their experiences and read others, while also enjoying video conversations and interviews from people throughout the diabetes community.


Our latest stories


Type 2

Sharing My Story: Roger

Roger lives with type 2 diabetes and resides in New Jersey. June 11, 2019 is the day…
Eye Health

Meet Roger

Roger lives with type 2 diabetes and resides in New Jersey. June 11, 2019 is the day…

Developing CGM Standards for Virginia Schools

The ADA, represented by Safe at School Director Crystal Woodward, is a long-standing
Type 1

Sharing My Story: Breonna

Growing up with a type 1 diabetic dad, I had to learn young what to do in emergencies.…

Watch featured videos

Browse videos to learn how diabetes impacted their life. View all videos.

Be a Friend Friday: Chelsea Musial
Be a Friend Friday: Shirley Bovshow
Be a Friend Friday: Samantha Farley
Be a Friend Friday: Anthony and Kimberlee Jackson
See More

Share your story

Our mission is to not only prevent and cure diabetes, but to improve the lives of all those impacted by it. By sharing your story, you can help us raise awareness of diabetes so we can bend the curve on it once and for all. Share your story and help spread the word.

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