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Showing Results for: “Glycemic Index and Diabetes”

Sharing My Story: Our First Month as Parents of a Type 1 Diabetic

Kylie’s son, Rowen, lives with type 1 diabetes—but Kylie refuses to let the fear hold their family back. I’m the parent of a type 1 diabetic. It’s probably something you never wondered about before—I know I had never thought about it. One day your 14-month-old baby is healthy and happy, the next they are vomiting, weak, unable to move and being rushed to the ER. It’s a terrifying time to a be a parent. In the PICU we were scared and overwhelmed. Hundreds of questions and thoughts raced through our minds. Is my child going to survive? Type 1 diabetes? You can’t be serious?But no one in my

Diabetes Superstar Foods: Taking Charge of Your Health Through Food

Explore our list of nutrient-rich, affordable superstar foods that are beneficial for diabetes and overall health. Find tips for eating healthy on a budget.

Choosing The Right Health Insurance Plan When You Have Diabetes

It’s open enrollment time. Here’s what you need to know. The New Year brings lots of new, exciting changes—including, for some, a new health insurance plan. For those of us with diabetes, choosing the right health care plan involves more than just picking the one with the lowest monthly premium cost. It’s important to be prepared and do a little research before your open enrollment period. The ADA wants our community to thrive and live healthy lives with diabetes, so we’re sharing tips and resources to help you choose the plan that is best for you. High Deductible Health Plan or Traditional

Common Issues Involving Diabetes Care Tasks at School/Child Care/Camp

Learn the best practices for insulin administration by school, childcare, or camp staff to ensure the well-being of children with diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association Announces New Editors for Diabetes

The American Diabetes Association ® (ADA) announces the appointment of David A. D'Alessio, MD , as the incoming Editor in chief of Diabetes ® , the ADA's flagship peer-reviewed research journal. Dr. D'Alessio is Professor of Medicine at Duke University, Director of the Division of Endocrinology, and a staff physician at the Durham VA Medical Center. The ADA also announces the appointments of Maureen A. Gannon, PhD , of Vanderbilt University and Norbert Stefan, MD , of Tübingen University as Senior Associate Editors of Diabetes . In addition, the following individuals have been appointed

American Diabetes Association® Fights for Alabama Voters with Diabetes

Alabama District Court Rules Barriers to Voting Unconstitutional, ADA to Defend Against State Appeal The American Diabetes Association (ADA), the nation’s leading organization for all people living with diabetes, filed an amicus brief today to help defend the rights of Alabama voters with diabetes following a historic federal court ruling prioritizing the health and safety of voters living with chronic conditions. In a move demonstrating callous disregard for its citizens, Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill and the other defendants have appealed the judge’s ruling, prompting the ADA