Showing 1811 - 1820 of 2250 results

Showing Results for: “Glycemic Index and Diabetes”

Insulin Basics

Learn about the different types of insulin, their characteristics, and strengths. Find the right insulin for your needs and manage your diabetes effectively.

Mental Health

We’re here to help! With diabetes, you have a lot on your mind. We have right tools to find behavioral health providers or health professionals to seek help.

Monthly Giving

Join a dedicated group of monthly donors and provide ongoing support to the ADA. Your automatic monthly donations help reduce costs and fund our nationwide efforts to end diabetes.

Raise Your Voice: Engagement Platform

Make Your Voice Heard! The ADA’s Engagement Platform makes it easy to use your voice to help support the diabetes community on the issues that matter most.

Non-Starchy Vegetables for Blood Glucose Control

Discover a wide variety of non-starchy vegetables that are perfect for managing diabetes. Learn about common options and make healthier choices today.

Health Insurance Cost Drivers

Learn how high-deductible health plans can affect diabetes care costs and find affordable solutions to manage your health expenses.

Legal Protections

Learn how to develop a written accommodations and care plan under federal disability law to meet your child's diabetes needs. Get legal protections & state law insights.

Continuous Glucose Monitors for Policy Makers

Find out how legislators and policy makers can make a difference by supporting increased access to continuous glucose monitors (CGM) – a life-saving device for people with diabetes.

Workplace Giving

Boost employee morale while making a difference. Support diabetes research with tax-deductible donations made via payroll contributions or employer matching gifts through ADA.


Explore how staying up-to-date on vaccinations can offer substantial benefits for people living with diabetes, includes recommended vaccines, paying for vaccines and other resources.