Showing 1851 - 1860 of 2250 results

Showing Results for: “Glycemic Index and Diabetes”

Sharing My Story: Jamy

Jamy D. Ard, MD is a member of the American Diabetes Association's Prevention Committee. This is his story: “I don’t want diabetes.” I probably hear that at least five to six times per week in my line of work. The thought of developing type 2 diabetes is very scary for my patients. It’s very understandable to be afraid of developing something that can affect your health in so many ways. One of my patients stands out in particular. Ms. Clark (not her real name) told me that her sister was recently diagnosed with diabetes, her aunt died as a result of complications from diabetes and her mother

Meet Virginia

I was 5 when I was diagnosed with diabetes. Being the only diabetic in my family, the learning curve was steep. With the help of an amazing medical team, my family figured out how to manage the around-the-clock demands of an auto-immune disease. We developed a tightly monitored system involving constant finger pokes, multiple check-ins with the school nurse each day, and carrying a JDRF backpack full of set change materials wherever we went. As long as our small team could manage it, it didn’t matter whether my classmates, friends, and teachers understood the medical and emotional turbulence

Meet Chelsea

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2. Upon a misdiagnosis by a pediatrician with the flu, my parents continued to treat as so. It wasn’t until my body began to turn limp and grey that my father said we could not wait any longer and drove me to the local Emergency Room. From there, it was determined I was in severe diabetic ketoacidosis, and my veins had collapsed. The medical staff attempting to get a blood sugar reading realized it was over 1,200 – the maximum the machine could read. They did everything they possibly could to try to get insulin into my system as fast as

Sharing My Story: Roger

Roger lives with type 2 diabetes and resides in New Jersey. June 11, 2019 is the day that changed my life forever. This is the day that I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. However, as most diabetics, my journey started years earlier. This is my story about my journey to better health. I am 45 years old, married and have a 5-year-old daughter. Like most men my age I chose to ignore the warning signs over the years and lived my life like I didn’t have a care in the world. My wife and I were married at an early age and were both successful in our careers. I would visit the Doctor when I was

Insulin is Now a Biologic—What Does That Mean?

Here at the American Diabetes Association (ADA), we know that insulin is life-sustaining for people with diabetes—in fact, about seven million Americans rely on insulin to live. But what you may not know is how it’s regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—and how that’s changing starting this week. Here’s what’s happening—and what it may mean for you, and for our fight for affordable insulin for all who need it. First, here are some key terms you should know: Biologic medication: Biologic medications are large, complex molecules, often made from living cells or tissue. Insulin

Sharing My Story: Whitney

Whitney's daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes over two years ago. She says sharing her story has "helped me with my own feelings of having a child with diabetes, and I hope and pray my stories will also help other new moms and dads going through this." Read Whitney's letter to the parents of kids with type 1 diabetes (T1D): Two years, one month, and 18 days and I still remember that day like it was yesterday. All the doctors, nurses, and blood draws—the hospital room, the overwhelming amount of information being thrown at us, and that first whiff of synthetic insulin. That’s a smell

Meet Roger

Roger lives with type 2 diabetes and resides in New Jersey. June 11, 2019 is the day that changed my life forever. This is the day that I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. However, as most diabetics, my journey started years earlier. This is my story about my journey to better health. I am 45 years old, married and have a 5-year-old daughter. Like most men my age I chose to ignore the warning signs over the years and lived my life like I didn’t have a care in the world. My wife and I were married at an early age and were both successful in our careers. I would visit the doctor when I was

Meet Natalie

Natalie has been living with type 1 diabetes since she was six years old and is based in NYC. She loves to travel in order to push herself outside of her comfort zone and has been to all seven continents and 50+ countries. During the COVID-19 pandemic Natalie has been salsa dancing, learning to knit, and writing to connect with others! On a morning in early November I woke up late, rushed to the subway, and couldn't see out of one eye. I thought it was a dirty contact and vowed to replace it later at work. One emergency eye appointment and one panic attack later I was told that my diabetic

Sharing My Story: Natalie

Natalie has been living with type 1 diabetes since she was six years old and is based in NYC. She loves to travel in order to push herself outside of her comfort zone and has been to all seven continents and 50+ countries. During the COVID-19 pandemic Natalie has been salsa dancing, learning to knit, and writing to connect with others! On a morning in early November I woke up late, rushed to the subway, and couldn't see out of one eye. I thought it was a dirty contact and vowed to replace it later at work. One emergency eye appointment and one panic attack later I was told that my diabetic

Live Cooking Classes

The American Diabetes Association has teamed up with the professional chefs at Homemade to offer a series of free, live virtual cooking classes.