Showing 51 - 60 of 2233 results

Showing Results for: “Glycemic Index and Diabetes”

Carb Counting and Diabetes

If you are managing diabetes, ADA has tips on how to count carbs, how many carbs should you eat, how many carbs are in your food.

The Cost of Access to Diabetes Technologies

Learn how the cost of diabetes technologies can impact your health and find affordable solutions to access life-changing tools for diabetes management.

Discover the Power of Diabetes Support

Join our community and find the support you need to thrive with diabetes. Explore fundraisers, summer camps, and more in your local community.

The Costs of Hospitalization for People with Diabetes

Find affordable solutions for hospital costs related to diabetes. Discover options for inpatient and outpatient drugs, insulin, and other therapies.

Diabetes Care Product Categories

Make informed choices with Better Choices for Life program. Find diabetes care products and avoid unproven therapies for better health.

Diabetes Medical Management Plan

Ensure standardized and efficient diabetes care in schools with our updated DMMP form. Tailor care instructions for individual students, providing clarity for caregivers.

Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes®

Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes® is the premier walking fundraising event of the American Diabetes Association® (ADA) that creates a sense of unity and shared purpose in the fight to end diabetes. This event increases awareness, connects communities, contributes to diabetes prevention and management, and supports the ADA’s vision of a life free of diabetes and all its burdens.

Diabetes-Related Retinopathy Risk Test

Diabetes-Related Retinopathy Risk Test enables you to calculate your future risk of diabetic retinopathy and helps you take better decisions today for your future health.

Managing Your Diabetes—Beyond the Meter

Some days, taking care of your diabetes can feel like a full-time job. There’s new technology, new medications, and information from lots of sources about how to manage your diabetes. It can be hard to know which way to turn. A long-term condition like diabetes is complex. What works for you may not work for someone else. You need to find the tools that work best for you and fit your life and health goals. Keeping track of your blood sugar (blood glucose)—by testing on a blood glucose meter or a continuous glucose monitor (CGM)—is a vital first step. But there are other tools you can use to

Find a Diabetes Education Program

Get answers from FAQ to all your questions about diabetes education programs. The American Diabetes Association offers recognized programs tailored to your personal needs.