Showing 61 - 70 of 2233 results

Showing Results for: “Glycemic Index and Diabetes”

Diabetes Can Affect Your Heart

Be aware of the connection between diabetes and heart disease. Learn how to recognize the symptoms and take control of your health to reduce your risk.

Sharing My Story: My Life with Diabetes

I was 13 months old when I was diagnosed with T1D and I was diagnosed on my dad’s birthday! My parents were out getting some frosties from Wendy’s and they say that I kept reaching for them because I was thirsty. Well, later on I kept wetting my diaper. My dad would come in and change me, then he would come back in 10 minutes and have to do it again. This happened 3 times and they finally decided to take me in and see what was wrong. Turns out that their new baby was a type 1 diabetic. Surprise! I had a great team taking care of me in Montana when I was a baby and my mother (who just recently

Sharing My Story: A Poem about Diabetes Awareness

Written by Pamela Roller, who lives with type 1 diabetes. Dedicated to all diabetics and their families. On November 14th every year A day diabetics hold so dear Sadly, diabetes has been on the rise Many have it, but don’t realize To stop diabetes, make people more aware Diabetics are not alone; others do care Internationally, we all must unite To hope, survive, and to win the fight The diabetes ribbon and symbol are blue Diabetics need a cure and support too Blue for the sky we all share In a circle for unity everywhere Grateful for the co-founders of insulin To treat the disease of friends

American Diabetes Association (ADA) Advocacy Resources

Access the ADA's advocacy resources and join the engagement platform to raise your voice, share your story, and support diabetes priorities.

Get smart about risks and diabetes prevention.

Get smart about risks and diabetes prevention. Find tools and resources to reduce the risk from fitness tips to healthy recipes.

Taking Charge of Your Diabetes & Eye Health

Find Your Eye Care Professional and prioritize your eye health. Early detection and regular check-ups are crucial for preventing vision loss in diabetes.

Tips for Managing Diabetes in the Child Care Setting

Find essential tips for keeping your young child with diabetes safe and well-managed in a child care setting. Get the help you need from trusted resources.

How to Talk to Loved Ones About Type 2 Diabetes Risk

An estimated 84 million Americans are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes—and someone you love could be among them. However, many people don’t realize that type 2 diabetes can be delayed or even prevented with healthy lifestyle changes. This means that even if your loved ones are at risk for diabetes, there’s still time for them to take the steps necessary to turn their health around. November is American Diabetes Month, an opportunity to encourage the people in your life to learn their risk for type 2 diabetes by taking the one-minute Risk Test . Not sure how to bring the topic up? Follow