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Showing Results for: “Glycemic Index and Diabetes”

Guest Blogger: Keeping Mom and Child Healthy After Gestational Diabetes

(NAPS)—Gestational diabetes is something to be concerned about after and not just during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is diabetes that is found for the first time when a woman is pregnant. If you had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant, you and your child from that pregnancy have a lifelong risk for developing diabetes, a serious disease that can lead to health problems such as heart disease, blindness, kidney disease and amputations. The good news is there are steps you can take to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes and lower that risk for you and your child. Get Tested for Diabetes

Make Living with Diabetes Easier: Simplify Your Routine

Discover simple, actionable steps to simplify your routine and make living with diabetes easier like virtual appointments and recurring medication deliveries available.