Showing 241 - 250 of 300 results

Showing Results for: “consumer nutrition”

Common Terms

Browse list of diabetes-related terms and their definitions- Adapted from NIDDK.

Understanding Type 1 Diabetes

Learn more on symptoms of type 1 diabetes onset in an infant or child, onset in adults, and gestational diabetes.

Taking Charge of Your Diabetes & Eye Health

Find Your Eye Care Professional and prioritize your eye health. Early detection and regular check-ups are crucial for preventing vision loss in diabetes.

Seniors Struggle to Maintain Health with Limited Access to Proper Diet

In the United States, millions of seniors ages 60 and older face a diverse set of challenges on a regular basis when trying to secure and prepare nutritious food, which may include food insecurity. Seniors who are food insecure may experience barriers to accessing food, reduced quality and variety in their diet, and disrupted food intake, all of which can cause and exacerbate mental and physical health issues. Feeding America ® , a nationwide hunger-relief organization with a network of 200 food banks around the country, works to deeply understand the issue of food insecurity among seniors and