Showing 251 - 260 of 300 results

Showing Results for: “consumer nutrition”

Health Equity Bill of Rights

Learn how the Health Equity Bill of Rights aims to eliminate unjust health disparities and provide equal access to basic human rights for all Americans.

Newly Diagnosed with Diabetes

Recently diagnosed with diabetes? Get informed and learn how to get started—and remember, you are not alone.

Sharing My Story: Roger

Roger lives with type 2 diabetes and resides in New Jersey. June 11, 2019 is the day that changed my life forever. This is the day that I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. However, as most diabetics, my journey started years earlier. This is my story about my journey to better health. I am 45 years old, married and have a 5-year-old daughter. Like most men my age I chose to ignore the warning signs over the years and lived my life like I didn’t have a care in the world. My wife and I were married at an early age and were both successful in our careers. I would visit the Doctor when I was