Showing 1711 - 1720 of 2248 results

Showing Results for: “type 1 diabetes”

The American Diabetes Association Statement on Eli Lilly’s Expansion of Insulin Value Program

“ The American Diabetes Association ® (ADA) is the leading voice advocating for insulin affordability and is working to ensure that all people with diabetes have access to the care they need. We applaud Eli Lilly for taking the important step to limit cost-sharing for its insulin, and we encourage other insulin manufacturers to do the same. While we have been able to help achieve significant progress on the issue of insulin affordability, including Medicare’s new out-of-pocket cost cap on insulin, state copay caps, and patient assistance developments from insulin manufacturers, we know that

American Diabetes Association Statement on New York’s Action to Eliminate Insulin Copays

New York has eliminated cost-sharing for insulin in state-regulated health plans. In response Monica Billger, state government affairs director at the American Diabetes Association ® (ADA), issued the following statement. “The American Diabetes Association is excited to celebrate a first in our nation. New York has taken a transformative step in the state budget to address medication affordability and accessibility by eliminating cost-sharing for insulin in state-regulated health plans. The ADA, in partnership with an amazing community of Diabetes Advocates, has long-led the fight to make

Common Cholesterol-Lowering Drug Found to Slow Vision Loss in Diabetes Patients

First-of-Its-Kind Study Shows Fenofibrate Reduces Eye Disease Progression by 27% Today, findings from the Lowering Events in Non-proliferative retinopathy in Scotland (LENS) Trial revealed that fenofibrate, a medication used for many years to reduce blood fat levels, significantly reduces the progression of diabetic retinopathy, a diabetes-related eye disease. Delivered by Oxford Population Health, this is the first large-scale trial specifically designed to investigate the effect of this drug on eye outcomes in people with early diabetic retinopathy. The results were presented at a symposium

The American Diabetes Association Highlights Innovations in New Drug Therapies for Patients with Obesity

Novel Drugs Demonstrate Benefits of Once Weekly Drugs for Weight Loss and Glycemic and Blood Pressure Control Findings from three studies showcase new data on the latest developments in drug therapy innovations to treat obesity including new insights on GLP-1 (Glucagon-like peptide-1) receptor agonists. The data was presented as a late-breaking poster and oral presentations, respectively at the American Diabetes Association® (ADA) 84th Scientific Sessions in Orlando, FL. The studies are part of a host of research and development driven by interest in new GLP-1 drugs and concerns about obesity