Showing 201 - 210 of 2245 results

Showing Results for: “type 1 diabetes”

Sharing My Story: Lynda

Lynda Jimenez is the Associate Director of Online Strategy & Operations for the American Diabetes Association. This is her story: Most women begin their journey through pregnancy as soon as those little lines appear. As for me, I started my pregnancy journey eight months before those little lines would make their appearance, an entire year and a half before my son was born. Living with type 2 diabetes, I already tried to live a healthy lifestyle, but I was nowhere near being prepared for pregnancy. Managing with oral medications, an okay diet and the occasional exercise, my A1C was hovering

Sharing My Story: Shawn

Shawn from Los Angeles, California, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) when he was 14 years old. This is his story: I was diagnosed when I was 14 and I remember how the doctors tried to play it off like it was nothing; the biggest lie ever. "Just some shots, he'll live a normal life" coming from someone that never had to take "just some shots". Literally my first night home I had to drink 3 juice boxes because of "just some shots" that I did wrong. Still, I took it in stride. In those days it was easy to not see what was going on because continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) weren't a thing

Sharing My Story: Christel

Christel is a Los Angeles based speaker, writer, diabetes coach and diabetes advocate. She has been living with type 1 diabetes since 1997 and at an early stage decided that it wasn’t going to slow her down. Her motto is “There is Nothing You Can’t do With Diabetes”. She writes about how to be Fit With Diabetes on She also coaches people with diabetes from across the globe, online and in-person, and supports them in meeting their health and fitness goals. Christel holds an MBA in Finance & Strategy and an ISSA Personal Trainer certification with specialization in Fitness