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Showing Results for: “type 1 diabetes”

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Understand the importance of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), specific rules and requirements for developing and reviewing IEPs.

COVID-19: If you do get sick, know what to do.

If you feel like you are developing symptoms, be sure to call your doctor. Here are some common tips, which may vary for each person: Drink lots of fluids. If you’re having trouble keeping water down, have small sips every 15 minutes or so throughout the day to avoid dehydration. If you are experiencing a low (blood sugar below 70 mg/dl or your target range), eat 15 grams of simple carbs that are easy to digest like honey, jam, Jell-O, hard candy, popsicles, juice or regular soda, and re-check your blood sugar in 15 minutes to make sure your levels are rising. Check your blood sugar extra