Showing 261 - 270 of 2245 results

Showing Results for: “type 1 diabetes”

Tips for Eating Well

Eating well is key to managing diabetes. Learn about diabetes plate method, non-starchy vegetables, protein, fruits, fats, and diabetes superfoods.

Find a Diabetes Education Program

Get answers from FAQ to all your questions about diabetes education programs. The American Diabetes Association offers recognized programs tailored to your personal needs.

Insulin is Now a Biologic—What Does That Mean?

Here at the American Diabetes Association (ADA), we know that insulin is life-sustaining for people with diabetes—in fact, about seven million Americans rely on insulin to live. But what you may not know is how it’s regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—and how that’s changing starting this week. Here’s what’s happening—and what it may mean for you, and for our fight for affordable insulin for all who need it. First, here are some key terms you should know: Biologic medication: Biologic medications are large, complex molecules, often made from living cells or tissue. Insulin

Meet Serena

Meet Serena- living with diabetes who finds purpose in helping others find the information they need to live healthy lives.

Breaking Sitting Streaks

Break up sedentary time with light activity to reduce obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular risks. Check-out moving tips.

Federal Advocacy

Learn more on how ADA help to achieve federal legislative goals that allow people with diabetes coverage for and access to the treatments and services.


Regular physical activity is an important part of managing diabetes or dealing with prediabetes. Find what you need to know, from getting started to maintaining momentum.

Changing our Future Through Research

Explore ADA research projects and make a research donation to support innovative scientific discovery for improved diabetes treatments and eventual cures.