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Showing Results for: “type 1 diabetes”

Diabetes Superstar Foods: Taking Charge of Your Health Through Food

Explore our list of nutrient-rich, affordable superstar foods that are beneficial for diabetes and overall health. Find tips for eating healthy on a budget.

American Diabetes Association® Fights for Alabama Voters with Diabetes

Alabama District Court Rules Barriers to Voting Unconstitutional, ADA to Defend Against State Appeal The American Diabetes Association (ADA), the nation’s leading organization for all people living with diabetes, filed an amicus brief today to help defend the rights of Alabama voters with diabetes following a historic federal court ruling prioritizing the health and safety of voters living with chronic conditions. In a move demonstrating callous disregard for its citizens, Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill and the other defendants have appealed the judge’s ruling, prompting the ADA

The American Diabetes Association Announces New Editors for Diabetes

The American Diabetes Association ® (ADA) announces the appointment of David A. D'Alessio, MD , as the incoming Editor in chief of Diabetes ® , the ADA's flagship peer-reviewed research journal. Dr. D'Alessio is Professor of Medicine at Duke University, Director of the Division of Endocrinology, and a staff physician at the Durham VA Medical Center. The ADA also announces the appointments of Maureen A. Gannon, PhD , of Vanderbilt University and Norbert Stefan, MD , of Tübingen University as Senior Associate Editors of Diabetes . In addition, the following individuals have been appointed

American Diabetes Association to Highlight Innovations in Diabetes Technology for Glucose Management and Diabetic Eye Condition

Late Breaking Posters Reveals New-in-tech Data: AI Algorithms for Diabetic Retinopathy Progression Risk Estimation and First-of-its-Kind Device for Insulin Infusion and Glucose Sensing Today, findings from two studies showcase groundbreaking technology and the latest diabetes developments related to glucose control and diabetic retinopathy. Both studies were presented as late-breaking posters at the 83rd Scientific Sessions held by the American Diabetes Association® (ADA) in San Diego, CA. Data from these new technologies comes at a time when smart technology is on the rise, including

The American Diabetes Association Announces New Diabetes Primary Care Alliance to Support Diabetes Care

Today, the American Diabetes Association® (ADA) announced the formation of the Diabetes Primary Care Alliance (the Alliance), made possible through a new partnership between the ADA and the DARTNet Institute. The Alliance is a growing national network of almost 2,000 primary care practices focused on improving health outcomes of people with diabetes. The Alliance will promote the adoption of evidence-based standards of care in diabetes in clinical practice and will work in concert with the educational and policy initiatives of the ADA’s Primary Care Council. The Alliance will engage nationally

Common Issues Involving Diabetes Care Tasks at School/Child Care/Camp

Learn the best practices for insulin administration by school, childcare, or camp staff to ensure the well-being of children with diabetes.

Sharing My Story: Emily Nebben

Emily Nebben from Victoria, Minnesota, is the mother of Carter, age 16. Carter was diagnosed when he was 15 years old. This is Emily's story: Parents Talking Type One The summer of 2011 will forever be etched in our family’s memory. We began noticing changes in our 15-year-old son, Carter, in April. He seemed distracted, tired, agitated at times and was having strange health symptoms. His grades began to decline, but he couldn’t seem to explain why. By June, we noticed he was losing weight and thought he might be going through a growth spurt because he was sleeping, eating and drinking more