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Showing Results for: “type 1 diabetes”

Sharing My Story: Jeris

Jeris, from Mechanicsburg, Ohio, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) when she was just under two years old—but she hasn't let it hold her back. This is her story: I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was 23 months old. Throughout my life I've never let diabetes stop me or slow me down. Diabetes has taught me so much and it's allowed me to help a few newly diagnosed kids by sharing my story with their parents. It makes me so happy that I can use my experiences to help other people. Diabetes has shown me the kindness of others when they have helped me when I'm low. It's made me so

Sharing My Story: Nikki

Nikki lives with type 2 diabetes—and thrives, despite her diagnosis and her experience with several diabetes-related complications. My name is Nikki and I am a type 2 diabetic of seven years. For the last two years, I've spent my New Years’ Eves in the ICU battling acute pancreatitis, sepsis, and ketoacidosis. I treat every day as a blessing and a gift, as each hospitalization was worse than the last. As such, I've vowed to train for a marathon to run in honor of the American Diabetes Association and have also raised $1,000 in donations. Additionally, I am an avid Disneyland 'resident.'

Insulin Basics

Learn about the different types of insulin, their characteristics, and strengths. Find the right insulin for your needs and manage your diabetes effectively.

Delayed Onset of Type 2 Diabetes by Six Years or More Significantly Reduces Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Microvascular Disease

People with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) may significantly lower their risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and microvascular disease by delaying the onset of type 2 diabetes (T2D) by six years or more, or by returning to a normal level of glucose tolerance altogether, according to the study, “Early Progression to Diabetes or Regression to Normal Glucose Tolerance Among People with Impaired Glucose Tolerance Affects Long-Term Outcomes: Thirty-Year Follow-Up of Da Qing Diabetes Prevention Study,” presented today at the American Diabetes Association’s® (ADA’s) 79th Scientific Sessions® at

An inspiration: Meet Milford - T1D for 70 Years

Type 1 diabetes? There are many ways to describe it, but at its core, it is a lifelong autoimmune disease that changes the way you live from the moment of diagnosis. However, what many people don’t know is that living with type 1 diabetes is often a test of strength and endurance, something no one understood better than Milford Driskill. Born February 19, 1940, Milford was an active kid growing up in Kansas. In 1952, at the age of 12, he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes which back then, was known as juvenile diabetes. Insulin had only been discovered 30 years prior and Milford was told if he

Lifestyle Change Programs

Cut your risk of developing type 2 diabetes in half with our research-based, structured lifestyle change programs. Join us and make a positive change today.

Low Testosterone

Learn about the signs and symptoms of low testosterone especially with type 2 diabetes and find the right treatment for you.

Are You Experiencing Depression?

Find out what you need to know about depression and diabetes for women and types of depression.

Sharing My Story: Antoinette

Antoinette lives with type 2 diabetes and is committed to fighting the stigma surrounding it. She writes about her experience at . I was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic about 4 years ago at the age of 42. My introduction to diabetes was quite amazing. I woke up in the ICU of the hospital to learn that my blood sugar on admission was 1315. Yes, you read that right—1315. My A1C was 18.2. I was in a state of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Learn about DKA Although I had several family members with diabetes, I never thought I would become one. I believed that having a healthy diet

Understanding Carbs

Carbohydrates counting is a useful tool for people who have diabetes. Learn more about three types of carbs, counting carbs and more resources.