Tools & Resources

For Caregivers

At times, managing diabetes can be like uphill climb. Supporting those you love can make all the difference.


Diabetes affects millions, but its impact goes far beyond that.

It affects everyone—family, friends and loved ones.

When a family member, especially a child, is diagnosed, it sends an emotional shockwave. What are the medical costs? What about getting proper care? How can you help manage diabetes at school? Suddenly, you have the world on your shoulders. But you also have support. There are countless ways to help your loved ones live a healthy, happy life. Reach out and ask for help. We have it for you here.

Parents: It’s a Challenge You Can Meet Head On

Hearing that your child or loved one has diabetes can be a shock. But after that shock wears off, know that there are plenty of things you can do to help along the way. Sure, daily life with diabetes can be a challenge, but it’s a challenge you can meet head on.

With planning and preparation, you can get back to daily life and resume your routine activities. You can help make physical activity part of every day. You can create a balanced eating plan for your loved one—one that everyone can live with and thrive on. Throughout it all, know that diabetes can’t keep your loved one from doing whatever they want or achieving their highest goals. There are Olympic athletes with diabetes, as well as professional football players, politicians, actors, rock stars and CEOs. So, take a deep breath. You can do so much to make sure the people you love are thriving as they manage their diabetes.

Keep Them Safe at School

When you’re a parent, you feel like you can keep your children safe as long as you’re with them. For parents of children with diabetes, that feeling is even louder. That’s why our Safe at School® campaign works to make sure that the diabetes management needs of students are met so your children are healthy and safe when they are at school and out of your sight.

By working as a team, families, health care providers, and school staff can make sure that your child is being taken care of. Through Safe at School, newly diagnosed children can depend on school staff to monitor their blood glucose (blood sugar) and administer insulin. In addition, there can be trained school staff on hand who can recognize and treat high and low blood glucose and administer emergency glucagon.

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Keep Talking About It

When someone you love is diagnosed with diabetes, it’s natural to focus on the physical part of the ailment—because you have plenty to keep up with. But a key part of managing this disease is making sure everyone is open about talking about their fears, frustrations, and hopes for the future.

As your child matures, their entire emotional terrain will change and diabetes creates a complication throughout that shift. Make sure they have someone to talk to. Make sure you share as much as you can with them and other members of your family as well. And, if you get stuck, reach out to your community or a counselor, because they can help you identify emotions and fears and help everyone in your family express themselves more fully.

Keep Living Life

Life goes on, and having diabetes shouldn’t change what your child does. Here are some planning tips:

  • Before extended trips away from home, schedule a doctor’s visit to ensure all medications are current. Get written prescriptions for insulin and other medications in case any are lost, and send along a doctor’s letter with treatment instructions.
  • If you are looking for a babysitter, consider someone in a family like yours who is familiar with diabetes.
  • Plan ahead for birthday parties, holidays, or restaurant visits. You can communicate to party hosts about special needs ahead of time, or check restaurant menus before going.