Safe at School


1. Does Iowa allow school staff members who are not health care professionals to administer insulin?

The law is unclear. The law and regulations do not specifically address this question and there is no explicit authority for this. However, a 11/04/2013 letter from the Board of Nursing Executive Director states: “registered nurses may delegate the administration of insulin and glucagon for students with diabetes to trained, non-licensed school personnel.” 

Regardless, federal laws may allow unlicensed staff to provide this care. This may be necessary so that children with diabetes can access education just like any other child. In case of a conflict between federal and state laws, federal laws protect the rights of children. The law in this area is very complicated so we encourage you to contact us for further information.

2. Does Iowa allow school staff members who are not health care professionals to administer glucagon?

The law is unclear. As above, the law and regulations do not specifically address this question and there is no explicit authority for this. However, a 11/04/2013 letter from the Board of Nursing Executive Director states: “registered nurses may delegate the administration of insulin and glucagon for students with diabetes to trained, non-licensed school personnel. 

Regardless, federal laws may allow unlicensed staff to provide this care. This may be necessary so that children with diabetes can access education just like any other child. In case of a conflict between federal and state laws, federal laws protect the rights of children. The law in this area is very complicated so we encourage you to contact us for further information.

3. Does Iowa allow students to self-manage diabetes at school?

The law is unclear. Students with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are specifically permitted to do so:

Each agency shall establish medication administration policy and procedures, which include the following: […] Individuals who have demonstrated competency in administering their own medications may self-administer their medication. 281 IAC 14.2(256) and 281 IAC 14.1(256)

Iowa, however, does not make clear whether general education students may test blood glucose, or perform other diabetes care, anytime, anywhere while at school. However, even if state law is not clear, federal laws may allow self-management. This may be necessary so that children with diabetes can access education just like any other child.

4. Does Iowa allow students to carry diabetes supplies such as needles, insulin, and blood glucose testing devices?

The law is unclear. Iowa does not make clear whether general education students may test blood glucose, or perform other diabetes care, anytime, anywhere while at school. However, even if state law is not clear, federal laws may allow students to self carry diabetes supplies so they can have equal access to education. 


For more information, see the following helpful resources: