Safe at School


About this information:
This information was prepared by the Legal Advocacy division of the American Diabetes Association® (ADA), a national leader in diabetes information and advocacy. This information covers state rules on diabetes care in Louisiana schools, and may not include all the relevant rules and important details. While ADA strives to provide current information, laws and resources can frequently change. This information is not legal advice and professional legal advice should be sought as needed.

1. Does Louisiana allow school staff members who are not health care professionals to administer insulin?

Yes. If a school has a child with diabetes, the principal may recruit unlicensed health aids. They should be trained to administer insulin:

“An unlicensed diabetes care assistant, in accordance with the diabetes management and treatment plan on file for a student, may provide diabetes care to a student, or assist a student in the self-care of his diabetes, including […] (a) Checking and recording blood glucose and ketone levels. […](d) Administering, or assisting a student in administering, insulin through the insulin delivery system prescribed in the student's diabetes management and treatment plan.” R.S. 17:436.3(C)(4).

2. Does Louisiana allow school staff members who are not health care professionals to administer glucagon?

Yes. As stated above, the principal may recruit unlicensed health aids who will be trained in "[a]dministering glucagon and other emergency treatments as prescribed in a student's diabetes management and treatment plan." R.S. 17:436.3(C)(4).

Additionally, Louisiana schools may now stock emergency medications such as glucagon. 

“Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, licensed health professionals authorized to prescribe medication may prescribe life-saving medications that are maintained in the name of a school for use in accordance with Paragraph (3) of this Subsection, licensed pharmacists and physicians may dispense such medications, and a school may maintain a stock supply of such medications.” Louisiana Revised Statutes Title 17, sect. 436.1(M to O)

3. Does Louisiana allow students to self-manage diabetes care at school, anytime and anywhere?

Yes. Louisiana clearly allows glucose monitoring, insulin administration, and any other type of diabetes care anytime, anywhere:

“[…] a school shall permit the student to attend to the self-management and care of his diabetes, which may include the following activities: (a) Performing blood glucose level checks. (b) Self-administration of insulin through the insulin delivery system specified in the student's diabetes management and treatment plan. (c) Treatment of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia as specified in the student's diabetes management and treatment plan. […] (e) Otherwise attending to the management and care of the student's diabetes in the classroom, in any area of the school or school grounds, or at any school-related activity.” R.S. 17:436.3(D).

4. Does Louisiana allow students to carry diabetes supplies like needles, insulin, and blood glucose monitoring devices?

Yes. Students may self-manage diabetes care, including "[p]ossessing on the student's person, at any time, such supplies or equipment as are necessary to monitor and care for the student's diabetes."; R.S. 17:436.3(D)(d).

5. Does Louisiana allow students with diabetes to carry cellphones or smart devices for medical purposes?

Yes. Louisiana has a cellphone ban for students on school grounds. However, there is an exemption for students using cell phones pursuant to their 504 plan or Individualized Health Plan.

“No student shall possess, on his person, an electronic telecommunication device throughout the instructional day. If a student brings an electronic telecommunication device in any public elementary or secondary school building or on the grounds thereof during an instructional day, the electronic device shall either be turned off and properly stowed away for the duration of the instructional day or prohibited from being turned on and used during the 23 instructional day. […] The provisions of Subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph are not applicable to a student whose Individualized Education Program; Individualized Accommodation Plan, Section 504plan, or Individualized Health 2 Plan requires the student's use of an electronic telecommunication device.” L.R.S. 17:239(A)

6. Other State Issue(s)

  • Does Louisiana allow a bus driver to provide diabetes care?

Yes. A bus driver may supervise a student with diabetes and provide basic emergency care:

“With written permission from a student's parent or legal guardian, a school may provide a school employee with responsibility for providing transportation for a student with diabetes, or supervising a student with diabetes during an off-campus activity, with an information sheet that provides the following information: (a) The identity of the student with diabetes. (b) A description of potential emergencies that may occur as a result of the student's diabetes and the appropriate responses to such emergencies. (c) The telephone number of the person to be contacted in case of an emergency involving the student with diabetes.” R.S. 17:436.3(E).

For more information, see the following helpful resources:

Additional Safe at School resources are available at To receive information and guidance about a school diabetes care issue, contact 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2383) or