Safe at School


1. Does Michigan allow school staff members who are not health care professionals to administer insulin?

Yes. School employees chosen by a school administrator may administer medication to students in the school setting Model Policy on the Management of Diabetes in the School Setting (2011). School districts may adopt "reasonable rules for […] the administration of medication to students by school personnel in accordance with instructions of the student's physician." Op. Mich. Atty. Gen., October 27, 1987, No. 6476.

Also, the Michigan Board of Education recommends that before the beginning of the school year, "[a]ll school personnel should be given training about diabetes and how to manage it." Staff chosen to actually perform most diabetes care tasks, including insulin administration, should have comprehensive training from a health care professional. Model Policy on the Management of Diabetes in the School Setting (2011).

2. Does Michigan allow school staff members who are not health care professionals to administer glucagon?

Yes. Michigan specifically allows school employees to administer medication to students Model Policy on the Management of Diabetes in the School Setting (2011). A model training program from the Michigan Board of Education recommends that all staff in contact with a student with diabetes be trained in glucagon administration. Model Policy on the Management of Diabetes in the School Setting (2011).

3. Does Michigan allow students to self-manage diabetes care at school?

Yes. The same law, above, specifically allows a school district to adopt policies regarding the self-administration of medication by students. MCLS § 380.1201. The Michigan Board of Education clearly supports self-management:

Diabetes care depends upon self-management. Students should have the right to self manage, when appropriate. […] A student's ability to participate in self-care also depends upon his/her willingness to do so. It is preferable that students be permitted to perform diabetes care tasks in the classroom, at every campus location, or at any school activity (e.g., testing blood glucose). If the steps are performed correctly and materials are disposed of properly, there is no risk of blood or any other unsanitary material contact to other students.

For more information, see the following helpful resources: