Press release

25 Patient and Consumer Groups Celebrate the ACA on its 10th Birthday

March 23, 2020 | Arlington, Virginia

25 patient and consumer groups representing millions of people nationwide with pre-existing health conditions issued the following statement in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA):

”Now it is more important than ever to acknowledge and celebrate the significant coverage gains and protections for patients as a result of the Affordable Care Act. Today, the nation faces significant challenges as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic, but as a result of the ACA, more than 20 million additional Americans have access to high-quality, affordable health insurance. In the midst of this crisis, it is critical that we acknowledge the impact of the ACA on patients.

“To date, the ACA has had many positive effects on the patients and communities including:

  • Protections for 135 million Americans with pre-existing conditions,
  • Access to a core set of essential benefits including maternity care, mental health and substance use disorder treatment, emergency care and preventive services,
  • Allowing children to stay on their parents insurance until age 26,
  • Medicaid expansion for low-income adults,
  • Elimination of arbitrary annual and lifetime coverage caps,
  • And many more.

“As we take a moment to acknowledge this progress, we are also mindful that these gains are endangered in the courts. Together, our organizations remain committed to working with Congress to protect and improve this landmark law.”

ALS Association
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
American Diabetes Association
American Heart Association
American Kidney Fund
American Lung Association
Arthritis Foundation
Cancer Support Community
Chronic Disease Coalition
COPD Foundation
Epilepsy Foundation
Hemophilia Federation of America
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
March of Dimes
Muscular Dystrophy Association
National Alliance on Mental Illness
National Health Council
National Hemophilia Foundation
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
National Organization for Rare Disorders
National Patient Advocate Foundation
National Psoriasis Foundation
The AIDS Institute
United Way Worldwide
WomenHeart: The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease