Showing 1841 - 1850 of 2250 results

Showing Results for: “Glycemic Index and Diabetes”

Sharing My Story: Jana

Jana Franzen lives in Osage City, Kansas. This is her story: Oh, let's see. Diabetes runs in my family. I had gestational diabetes with my third pregnancy, which covered most of 2002 and the first bit of 2003. Sugars leveled out not long after kiddo got born. I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in December of 2015. Had what was originally believed to be a heart attack February of 2016, and another in November. The first got downgraded to angina, and the second was labeled heartburn despite being more severe. The t-thingy indicators (my memory sucks) indicated heart attack for the first, so I

High Morning Blood Glucose: Understanding and Management

If you have diabetes, experiencing high morning blood glucose level may be due to the dawn phenomenon. Learn about its causes and find tips to manage high morning glucose effectively.

Meet Serena

Serena lives in Houston, TX. She finds purpose in helping others find the information they need to live healthy lives. When I was 20 years old, I hit a point of exhaustion. I thought it was from trying to balance being a student and a full-time employee, but one night I was at home, couldn’t stay awake, and was having pain all over my body. My aunt took me to the emergency room, and it was there that I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. At the time, I remember thinking diabetes was something older people got, not a 20-year-old. While my diabetes diagnosis was difficult to deal with on its own

Two RISE Clinical Trials in Youth and Adults with Impaired Glucose Tolerance or Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Reveal Surprising Differences in Beta-Cell (β-cell) Function During and After Treatment

In a study measuring Beta-cell (β-cell) function in adults with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes (T2D), researchers from the Restoring Insulin Secretion (RISE) Adult Medication Study found β-cell function was improved during active treatment but did not produce any lasting benefits after treatment cessation. Results presented today at a symposium at the American Diabetes Association’s® (ADA’s) 79th Scientific Sessions® suggest continued intervention may be required to alter progressive β-cell dysfunction. Given the increased recognition of the critical role

Extra Weight, Extra Risk

When you have diabetes, having overweight or obesity can add risk for other problems. Check out these tips to help you lose weight and keep it off.

Sharing My Story: Erica S.

Hi. My name is Erica Scaglione, I am 27 years and have had type 1 diabetes since the age of seven. Wow, 20 years without any complications—until a few years ago. My kidneys took a hit. I was in end-stage kidney renal failure and had to enter dialysis three times a week. I was, and still am, waiting for a kidney transplant. During this time, my eyes started having issues as well. One day, I woke up and was blind. It took several surgeries and recoveries to regain the sight in my left eye, but not in my right. This was caused by diabetic retinopathy. Having all these health problems was

Sharing My Story: Julie

Julie Paradis was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) at age 28. Though she has encountered some challenges, including navigating pregnancy, she chooses to focus on the positive. Just when you think you've got things figured out, life throws a curveball! In May 2017, I was 28, living in NYC, and recently married... when all of a sudden, those textbook symptoms hit and - BAM! - I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. To be diagnosed so late in life was an interesting balance of emotions. On one hand, life as I knew it was completely changed (a life I had gotten very comfortable with!). On the

Los últimos Estándares Anuales de Atención de la ADA incluyen cambios en la detección de diabetes, la terapia de primera línea, el embarazo y la tecnología

Hoy, la Asociación Americana de Diabetes ® (ADA, por sus siglas en inglés) publicó sus anualmente esperados Estándares de Atención Médica en Diabetes (Estándares de Atención) . Basado en las últimas investigaciones científicas y ensayos clínicos sobre diabetes, los Estándares de Atención son el estándar de oro para los profesionales en el campo médico e incluyen pautas de práctica nuevas y actualizadas vitales para la atención de personas con diabetes y prediabetes. "Reconocemos que los proveedores de atención médica de todo el mundo consultan nuestros Estándares de Atención para consultar lo

Sharing My Story: Sydney

Sydney Williams is a founder, author, speaker, hike leader, outdoor advocate and self-described feeler of feelings. This is her story: Diabetes is the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me Every November, I like to reflect on the past year and think about what I'm thankful for. This is the third November where the thing I'm most thankful for is being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. When I was diagnosed with T2D in September 2017, I took it as a challenge. I've been a people pleaser my entire life, and I channeled that into being the best diabetes patient my doctor has ever seen. I am an

Eating Tips Before and After Exercise

Discusses few basic tips on what and when to eat before and after exercise—and what to consider if you take diabetes medications like insulin.