Showing 201 - 210 of 300 results

Showing Results for: “consumer nutrition”

Sharing My Story: Sydney

Sydney Williams is a founder, author, speaker, hike leader, outdoor advocate and self-described feeler of feelings. This is her story: Diabetes is the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me Every November, I like to reflect on the past year and think about what I'm thankful for. This is the third November where the thing I'm most thankful for is being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. When I was diagnosed with T2D in September 2017, I took it as a challenge. I've been a people pleaser my entire life, and I channeled that into being the best diabetes patient my doctor has ever seen. I am an

Clinical Advisory Working Group

Get expert clinical perspectives on diabetes-related amputations and regulatory opportunities. Join the Clinical Advisory Working Group (CAWG) today.

Safe at School® Statement of Principles

Discover the three key elements for successful diabetes management in schools. Empower students, provide training to staff, and establish shared responsibilities.

Advocacy Priorities

Learn about the American Diabetes Association's (ADA's) advocacy priorities that impact the diabetes community.