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Showing Results for: “type 1 diabetes”

Novel Stem Cell-Derived Islet Cell Therapy Continues to Show Promise for Achieving Insulin Independence for Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes

Stem Cell-Derived Fully Differentiated Islet Cells Shown to Restore Endogenous Insulin Secretion and Improved Glycemic Control in People Living with Type 1 Diabetes Today, findings from the ongoing clinical trial of VX-880, a phase 1/2, multi-center, single-arm, open-label study in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) were presented, demonstrating the potential of stem cell-derived islet cell therapy as a future treatment option for patients with T1D. All patients treated with VX-880 had undetectable insulin secretion and a history of recurrent severe hypoglycemic events (SHE) in the year prior

Safety of Linagliptin for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Who Have High Risk of Cardiovascular and/or Renal Disease Examined in CARMELINA

Linagliptin, when added to usual diabetes care in people with type 2 diabetes (T2D) with increased risk of cardiovascular (CV) and/or renal disease, resulted in incidences of CV and renal events comparable to placebo over a median period of 2.2 years across a broad range of age and kidney function status, according to a symposium presentation today titled “Linagliptin Trial in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at High Cardiovascular Risk with Chronic Kidney Disease,” at the American Diabetes Association’s® (ADA’s) 79th Scientific Sessions® at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco

Vitamin D Supplements Do Not Significantly Reduce Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes, According to Research Presented Today at the ADA’s Scientific Sessions

New research shows that daily oral vitamin D supplementation does not effectively reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes among vitamin D-sufficient adults at high risk for developing the disease, according to the “The Vitamin D and Type 2 Diabetes (D2d) Study – A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial for Diabetes Prevention” study presented today at the American Diabetes Association’s® (ADA’s) 79th Scientific Sessions® at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. More than 84 million Americans have prediabetes, which is a precursor of symptoms indicating higher risk of progression to type

Sharing My Story: Breonna

Growing up with a type 1 diabetic dad, I had to learn young what to do in emergencies. My dad always planned on dying young from his disease. God had other plans for him. My dad never took care of himself. My dad used to be a construction worker, building houses, racing bmx bikes, and riding crotch rockets. He was my superhero dad. Diabetes slowly destroyed his body. Taking his eyesight, causing severe neuropathy from his knees down, to having congestive heart failure to needing dialysis 3 days a week. My dad suffered the last 2 months of his life, needing a permanent trach in his throat; it

Sharing My Story: Sara

Sara is from Sweden and has type 1 diabetes. She has lived with an eating disorder and shares her story to educate others and help remove the stigma she faced. It's easy to worry about food. Do I eat the wrong diet? Do I eat enough? Do I eat too little plant-based food? Too much meat, too much fast food, too little homemade food and so on. These are perhaps the questions that most people in general sometimes ask themselves. But with type 1 diabetes you also have questions about blood sugar and insulin. How much insulin do I need? Should I split my bolus? How much fat does it contain? Protein

Sharing My Story: Jose

Being a teenager is hard enough, but throw in being diagnosed with diabetes and you have a special challenge. Jose Harari Uziel, 24, lives in Mexico City and works in investment banking. This story comes from The Type 1 Diabetes Self-Care Manual  by Jamie Wood, MD and Anne Peters, MD. Confidence and courage After graduating college, just over two years from being diagnosed, I started working as an investment banking analyst at a major global financial institution. I wanted to prove to myself that I could manage diabetes and succeed in one of the most stressful job environments there is for a

Sharing My Story: Francesca

Francesca lives with T1D in Barcelona, and she says she’s never let it hold her back. Travel is a huge part of her life, and she has traveled all over the world, from deserts to mountains and remote islands without hesitation. She says her active lifestyle has helped her, including lots of yoga, hiking and a healthy diet and amazing support from family and friends. She is sharing her story to “inspire others and let them know they are not alone.” I am Francesca. I am 29 years old and I have been living with type 1 since I was six. As a kid, my biggest fear was not be able to do what my friends

Sharing My Story: Brent

Brent Adame lives in Midwest City, Oklahoma, and is committed to thriving despite living with type 2 diabetes. This is his story: A couple of weeks before COVID-19 shut the economy down, I noticed my eyesight was getting blurry and my appetite was insatiable! I continued with my lifestyle, afraid to go to the doctor. I tested my glucose levels at a friend's about a month ago and was 359 and at one point 401. I got nervous and blew it off for a week. Then I got diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and nearly died. Learn about DKA I checked myself out of the hospital about 34 hours later. I assumed I'd

Sharing My Story: Don

Don Fillenworth from Bismarck, North Dakota, is 55 years old and lives with type 2 diabetes. This is his success story: In mid-October 2012, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and had an A1C of 9.6. This was quite a shock for me, as there is no history of diabetes in my family. Before I was diagnosed, my feet were constantly numb and tingling, and I was losing feeling in the front portion of the bottom of both my feet. I had no clue that this was an indicator of diabetes , as I was not familiar with the disease at the time. My doctor prescribed metformin, which I take twice a day, and

Sharing My Story: Anastasia

Anastasia Albanese-O’Neill, PhD, ARNP, CDE, is an assistant professor of nursing at the University of Florida in Gainesville, as well as a nurse practitioner and diabetes researcher. A longtime volunteer for the American Diabetes Association, she currently serves as co-chair of the Safe at School Workgroup and also sits on the ADA's National Advocacy Committee, Legislative and Regulatory Subcommittee and Volunteer Engagement Workgroup. She and her family live in Gainesville, Florida. This is her story: Reflections on Our Daughter’s Type 1 Diagnosis My daughter Cassidy was 16 months old and