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Showing Results for: “type 1 diabetes”

Juliana C.N. Chan, MB, ChB, MD, FRCP, Receives American Diabetes Association’s® 2019 Harold Rifkin Award for Distinguished International Service in the Cause of Diabetes

The American Diabetes Association® (ADA) will present the 2019 Harold Rifkin Award for Distinguished International Service in the Cause of Diabetes to Juliana C.N. Chan, MB, ChB, MD, FRCP. This award honors individual outstanding service in the cause of diabetes, performed with an international perspective and with international impact. Dr. Chan will be recognized with this honor at the National Scientific and Health Care Achievement Awards Presentation on Monday, June 10, during the ADA’s 79th Scientific Sessions, June 7-11, 2019, at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. Dr. Chan is

Coalición Nacional de Diabetes Insta a los Residentes de la Costa del Golfo que Viven con Diabetes a Prepararse para Huracán Laura

A medida que la Costa del Golfo experimenta el impacto de huracán Laura, la comunidad de diabetes se une para asegurarse de que las personas que viven con diabetes, especialmente aquellas que dependen de insulina, reciban el apoyo necesario. La Diabetes Disaster Response Coalition (DDRC), está compuesta por las principales organizaciones de diabetes del país, insta a todas las personas con diabetes y a sus seres queridos a comunicarse si experimentan escasez de suministros para el manejo de diabetes y si necesitan información acerca de cómo mantenerse saludables y seguros. Las grandes

American Diabetes Association Announces Support for Changes to the Inflation Reduction Act

Senate Reconciliation Bill Would Reduce the Price of Insulin Today, Senate Democrats, including Senate Diabetes Caucus Co-Chair Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), announced potential updates to the Inflation Reduction Act, which was released earlier this week. The Senate bill could now include a $35 monthly cap on out-of-pocket costs for insulin, and it could also allow Medicare to directly negotiate the price of insulin products with drug manufacturers. The American Diabetes Association® (ADA) has been the leading advocate for insulin copay caps across the country, resulting in the enactment of

The American Diabetes Association Commences its 82nd Scientific Sessions

Leading Diabetes Scientific Sessions Meeting Brings Together Researchers From Around the World With Hybrid Format Today, the American Diabetes Association ® (ADA) kicks off the 82nd Scientific Sessions in New Orleans, LA. The ADA’s Scientific Sessions is the world’s premier meeting in diabetes with a broader reach than ever with hybrid options for attendees. The meeting will take part live and virtually from around the globe today, June 3, through June 7 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, presenting the latest cutting-edge advances in diabetes research, prevention, and care. This year

American Diabetes Association® Official Statement Regarding Florida Mask Ruling

The American Diabetes Association ® applauds last week’s ruling by Florida’s Second Circuit Court striking down Florida Governor DeSantis’ Executive Order banning local school boards from implementing mask mandates. The decision held that school districts can adopt health care policies over parental disagreements. The Judge referenced two Florida Supreme Court decisions supporting limiting individual rights when impacting the rights of others. The Judge further stated that the governor’s and state agencies’ actions in banning mask mandates don’t pass “Constitutional muster.” Attending school

Diabetes Shown as Strongest Indicator of COVID-19 Severity in Japanese Patients

New study points to diabetes management as critical factor in improving patient outcomes during pandemic outbreaks Findings of a new study show diabetes was the main risk factor for the accelerated advancement to a severe state in Japanese COVID-19 patients. Results of the retrospective analysis were presented at the virtual 81st Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association ® (ADA). Throughout the pandemic, diabetes has persisted as a significant risk factor for COVID-19. In hospitalized patients with diabetes and COVID-19, one in 10 people die within seven days of admission