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Showing Results for: “type 1 diabetes”

La Asociación Americana de la Diabetes Publicó los Estándares de Cuidados para Diabetes para Guiar la Prevención, el Diagnóstico y Tratamiento para Personas con Diabetes

Los nuevos lineamientos incluyen actualizaciones a las recomendaciones sobre obesidad, hipertensión, medicamentos para insuficiencia cardiaca, determinantes sociales de la salud, y gestión de los niveles de lípidos. El día de hoy, la Asociación Americana de la Diabetes (ADA, por sus siglas en inglés), publicó los Estándares de Cuidados para Diabetes— 2023 (Estándares de Cuidados) , lineamientos integrales, basados en evidencia, para la prevención, el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la diabetes. Con base en la investigación científica y los estudios clínicos más recientes, los Estándares de

American Diabetes Association® Launches Count Me In Campaign to Change the Numbers on the Diabetes Epidemic: Can We Count You In?

The ADA asks you to raise your voice, mark your fist and share your image on social media using #CountMeInADA This November, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) is highlighting the numbers that matter most when it comes to those living with, at risk and supporting those with diabetes. Count Me In is not just an awareness campaign; it is a call to action for all of us. Visit to answer the call today. On November 1st, to kick off American Diabetes Month, show your solidarity, whether you have diabetes, you’re supporting someone who has it, or you’re a caregiver

The Pfizer Foundation, American Diabetes Association Partner to Bring Healthy Food and Diabetes Support to Underserved Community to Address Health Inequities

Social Determinants of Health grant will provide community gardens and diabetes support to people in low-income areas in Alabama The American Diabetes Association® (ADA) and The Pfizer Foundation have joined forces to address food insecurity and high rates of diabetes in communities in Montgomery, Alabama. The Foundation grant is part of ADA’s Health Equity Now national platform to ensure that all people living with diabetes, and the millions of underserved Americans who are at greatest risk for diabetes, have equal access to resources that they require not just to survive, but to thrive. The

Leading the Fight for Insulin Affordability

Stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the fight for affordable insulin. Discover how you can take advantage of new cost-sharing limits and find resources to lower your insulin costs.