Showing 1861 - 1870 of 2250 results

Showing Results for: “Glycemic Index and Diabetes”

Meet Alison

My name is Alison Sharkey-Hines, and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 11. Shortly after being diagnosed, I dove into the diabetes community. My pediatrician referred to me as “His Star Diabetic.” It was a title I wore proudly. I participated in youth groups, attended camps, and even spoke on panels. I did everything I could in the diabetic community because it gave me the hope and strength I needed. As time went on and I grew older, life became more demanding, and I wasn’t able to dedicate as much time to the community as I had in the past. My extra curriculars in the diabetes

Meet Denise

Denise never told anyone she dated about her diabetes, until she met the one. Now they both have it, and they’re managing it better than ever as a team. This is her story: A Type 2 Love Story Before I start my love story, I first have to mention that in previous relationships, I never told anyone I dated that I had diabetes. Not even to my seven-year on and off boyfriend. I think it was the exhaustion of having to explain it, with a mixture of denial. I am a type 2 diabetic. I was diagnosed at 25 years old, I'm now 42. On to my love story: I met my husband on a dating site almost ten years ago

Sharing My Story: Emily Nebben

Emily Nebben from Victoria, Minnesota, is the mother of Carter, age 16. Carter was diagnosed when he was 15 years old. This is Emily's story: Parents Talking Type One The summer of 2011 will forever be etched in our family’s memory. We began noticing changes in our 15-year-old son, Carter, in April. He seemed distracted, tired, agitated at times and was having strange health symptoms. His grades began to decline, but he couldn’t seem to explain why. By June, we noticed he was losing weight and thought he might be going through a growth spurt because he was sleeping, eating and drinking more

Sharing My Story: Shawn

Shawn from Los Angeles, California, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) when he was 14 years old. This is his story: I was diagnosed when I was 14 and I remember how the doctors tried to play it off like it was nothing; the biggest lie ever. "Just some shots, he'll live a normal life" coming from someone that never had to take "just some shots". Literally my first night home I had to drink 3 juice boxes because of "just some shots" that I did wrong. Still, I took it in stride. In those days it was easy to not see what was going on because continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) weren't a thing

Your Rights, One Voice: Bella’s Story

Just like many kids her age, Bella was eager to attend a summer camp run by the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. When her mother, Nina Paladino, initially contacted the camp facility to see if there were any questions about Bella’s diabetes management, she was assured that everything would be handled. To be certain, Nina sent a follow-up email to the facility, explaining what accommodations were necessary to properly care for Bella. Because she wears an insulin pump, Bella does not regularly require injections prior to meals. She does, however, require assistance in the management of her

Sharing My Story: Bella

Just like many kids her age, Bella was eager to attend a summer camp run by the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. When her mother, Nina Paladino, initially contacted the camp facility to see if there were any questions about Bella’s diabetes management, she was assured that everything would be handled. To be certain, Nina sent a follow-up email to the facility, explaining what accommodations were necessary to properly care for Bella. Because she wears an insulin pump, Bella does not regularly require injections prior to meals. She does, however, require assistance in the management of her

Meet Sielei

When I was 11, I became very sick with a flu virus, my mom thought that medicine and rest would help. I kept getting worse, drinking water every second I got, throwing up, barely being able to walk and there was this awful pain going down my entire side starting at my neck. My mom decided that we should go to the walk-in clinic and when we did I was passing out and waking back up, I could barely walk, or talk and the doctor took one look at me and said I needed to go to the ER. So my mom rushed me there, I was barely awake not talking, breathing deeply and when they saw me I was fighting not

Supporting Healthier School Meals

Did you know that Congress funds school nutrition programs for about 30 million children across the nation each day? The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) must regularly be renewed by Congress, and you can help ensure your lawmakers understand the importance of kids getting healthy food at school each day. Since 2010, when Congress passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act , the legislation called for new evidence-based nutrition standards for school meals. The NSLP and SBP has provided millions of school meals for children across the United States and

Meet Ginny

My T1DM journey started when I was 6yo, that was 56 years ago. It was the time we used glass syringes, Tes Tape, Benedict's Solution, impure beef and pork insulins. I was raised by a single parent, and while sometimes difficult, I was encouraged to do anything that I wanted to (play sports, go to college, graduate school, hike the AT, and now...summit mountains). Now retired from practicing Pharmacy in a clinical setting I have the time to backpack and mountaineer. I am finishing up 50 state high points, with Denali being my last to do. I can truly say that diabetes has never held me back from