Showing 31 - 40 of 2934 results

Showing Results for: “diabetes exercise”

Sharing My Story: Don

Don Fillenworth from Bismarck, North Dakota, is 55 years old and lives with type 2 diabetes. This is his success story: In mid-October 2012, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and had an A1C of 9.6. This was quite a shock for me, as there is no history of diabetes in my family. Before I was diagnosed, my feet were constantly numb and tingling, and I was losing feeling in the front portion of the bottom of both my feet. I had no clue that this was an indicator of diabetes , as I was not familiar with the disease at the time. My doctor prescribed metformin, which I take twice a day, and

Five Things You Should Know About Prediabetes

After announcing the expansion of Diabetes Stops Here and asking you which topics you’d like covered, we received a specific request for more information about prediabetes. A staggering 79 million Americans deal with this condition, and while it can lead to crippling health consequences, it can be avoided. Here are five things you should know about prediabetes: 1. What is prediabetes? Before people develop type 2 diabetes, they almost always have prediabetes , a health condition where your blood glucose is higher than normal but not as high as if you had diabetes. 2. How can I find out if I

Más peso, más riesgo

Si tiene diabetes, el sobrepeso o la obesidad pueden aumentar el riesgo de sufrir otros problemas. Vea estos consejos para ayudarlo a perder peso y no recuperarlo.

Genetics of Diabetes

Get valuable insights into the genetic factors behind diabetes and find answers to your questions. Explore more resources on diabetes genetics.