Eye Health

Eye Health Resources

Eye Health

Eye Health Resources

Information about diabetes-related eye disease, prevention, and treatment. (Downloadable PDFs)

Eye Health Specialists

Diabetic Retinopathy

What to Expect at Your Eye Exam

Expert Interview With Dr. Kevin Blinder

Dry Eye With Diabetes

Which Sunglasses Are Best for People With Diabetes?

Why Schedule Your Annual Diabetes Eye Exam

What Is 20/20 Vision?

Floaters in Your Vision

Preparing for Your Eye Doctor Visit

Common Diabetic Eye Diseases

FAQs About Diabetes and Eye Health

Monitoring Blood Glucose (Blood Sugar)

When blood glucose is too high, it can affect the shape of the eye’s lens, causing blurry vision, which goes back to normal after blood glucose stabilizes. High blood glucose can also damage the blood vessels in the eyes. Managing your blood glucose helps prevent these problems.

Monitoring Blood Glucose machine

Monitoring Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

High blood pressure and high cholesterol can increase risk for eye disease and vision loss. Managing both will not only help the eyes but overall health as well.

Blood pressure monitor

Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Regular exercise has phenomenal health benefits—it can help manage diabetes and improve eye health. Smoking also increases the risk of diabetic retinopathy and other eye conditions, but reduce that risk by quitting smoking.


Two senior men getting a walking workout outside

View Additional Resources

Video resources

Eye Q: Increasing Your Understanding of Diabetes and Eye Health
ADA - HVM Video
The Importance of Eye Exams
Prevent Blindness: Serena Valentine
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Find answers and take action

Getting eye exams is an important part of taking care of your eyes. Here’s how to prepare. 

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Knowing the difference between an ophthalmologist, optometrist and retina specialist is important. 

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Here are some solutions to help with everyday activities.

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There are many resources available to help you achieve your eye health goals.

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Learn how to minimize the impact of hours in front of the screen.

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