¡Manténgase al tanto de las novedades de la Asociación Estadounidense de Diabetes, actualizaciones relacionadas con la diabetes, recursos de vida saludable y más!
The numbers are staggering. Diabetes isn't just a disease—it's an epidemic, affecting over 38 million Americans with devastating consequences.
Americans are diagnosed each year
of Americans had diabetes in 2023
American adults are living with prediabetes
But there's hope. Join us as we continue the fight against diabetes and work to find a cure.
Learn how Alexandra Park manages her type 1 diabetes while busy as an actress, writer, and producer!
Learn how Alexandra Park manages her type 1 diabetes while busy as an actress, writer, and producer!
Whether you're newly diagnosed, have been living with type 1 for years, or are helping out a loved one, the path to understanding diabetes starts here.
Find the tools, tips, and insights you need to take action and live life to the fullest—from understanding your prescriptions to starting a new exercise regimen.
Eating right is a powerful tool in the management of your diabetes. But it doesn't have to be boring—it's all about finding a delicious balance.
When it comes to diabetes, you don't have to do this alone. Learn your rights and get help with the resources and assistance programs you need to navigate a diagnosis.
Drink more water and stay hydrated with the American Diabetes Association 40 Oz stainless steel tumbler!
Más de 133 millones de estadounidenses viven con diabetes o prediabetes. Tome medidas y luche contra esta enfermedad hoy mismo.
Marque la diferencia a través de una variedad de opciones, como recaudación de fondos, donaciones o donaciones corporativas.
Luchamos por su derecho a medicamentos asequibles, mejor atención médica, derechos de los trabajadores y mucho más.