Health & Wellness

Mental Health Provider Directory

Living with diabetes can be challenging, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. The right mental health provider can make all the difference, and the American Diabetes Association is here to help.

Woman talking with therapist

The Mental Health Provider Directory makes it easy to find therapists who specialize in supporting individuals living with diabetes. You can even connect with therapists offering telehealth in your state. Enter your zip code below to get started!

Search for a Mental Health Professional Near You

Locate a therapist in your area who has expertise in diabetes care. 

MHD Listing

Address Geocoded Proximity (field_mhd_address_geocoded)
Client Coordinates
Value in decimal degrees. Use dot (.) as decimal separator.
Client Coordinates
Value in decimal degrees. Use dot (.) as decimal separator.
Location: Disabled
Special Interest(s)
Any Special Interest

Resources for Diabetes and Your Mental Health

See how you can still live life to the fullest and thrive with diabetes emotionally and physically.

Additional Resources

Browse articles with information on living your best life with diabetes.


Manage Diabetes Costs

Learn ways to manage the costs of diabetes.


Traveling with Diabetes

Tips on traveling with diabetes.


Getting Sick

Steps for managing your diabetes when you are sick.